Nefertiti Lift

Neck lift with Botox®

The Nefertiti Lift, inspired by Queen Nefertiti's defined jawline and neck contour, is an advanced Botox® treatment to lift the jawline and neck for a youthful contour. Discover how this treatment refines your profile and restores neck elegance.

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Ab 350€*



In der Regel sofort

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10-15 Minuten

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3-6 Monaten

How does the Nefertiti Lift work & what can you expect?

The Nefertiti Lift tightens the neck and jaw area through targeted Botox® injections into the platysmal ligaments and jaw muscles, prevents skin sagging and ensures a firmer contour. The quick treatment is hardly uncomfortable and requires no recovery time, so you see results straight away.

Die Vorteile der Behandlung



Verbesserung der Gesichtsästhetik



Alternative zum chirurgischen Lifting



Subtile Anwendung für eine natürliche Betonung


Lerne unsere Ärztin Amira kennen

Bitte aktiviere den Ton, um das Video anzuhören.

Wir freuen uns, Dir Doctor-medic Amira Chaouf, die leitende Ärztin unserer Glowtox-Praxis, vorzustellen. In diesem kurzen Video stellt sie sich persönlich vor und gibt Dir einen Einblick in ihre Expertise und Leidenschaft für ästhetische Medizin.

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The secret of timeless beauty

The Nefertiti Lift restores the natural beauty of your jawline and the elegance of your neck, ideal for instantly visible, natural results without surgery. Learn more about this advanced solution and how we can help you achieve your aesthetic goal effortlessly. Contact us today.



Will the Nefertiti Lift change the contours of my neck and jaw?

Yes, the Nefertiti Lift aims to tighten and define the contours of the neck and jawline by using the relaxing effect of Botox® on the muscles that can cause a sagging appearance.

Can the Nefertiti Lift reduce a double chin?

While the Nefertiti Lift primarily improves the definition of the jawline and tightens the skin on the neck, it can indirectly reduce the appearance of a double chin by optically lifting and tightening the lower part of the face.

Is the Nefertiti Lift an alternative to facelifts?

For individuals who prefer a non-surgical option, the Nefertiti Lift can provide an effective alternative to traditional facelifts, particularly for improving jaw and neck contours.

How does the Nefertiti Lift compare to filler treatments?

While fillers add volume to fill wrinkles and shape contours, the Nefertiti Lift uses Botox to relax muscles and reduce sagging skin, resulting in a tighter, defined jawline and neckline.

What should I consider after a Nefertiti Lift to achieve the best results?

After treatment, avoid intense physical activity for 24 hours and do not lie down for 4 hours. Direct pressure on the treated areas should also be avoided in order not to influence the Botox® distribution.


Other applications

*The actual services are billed according to GOÄ.