Detaillierte Darstellung des Gesichts einer Frau bei Glowtox Köln, mit fein markierten Botox-Behandlungszonen wie Stirnfalten, Krähenfüße und Zornesfalten, illustriert durch gepunktete Pfeile, bietet Einblick in maßgeschneiderte Verjüngungsmethoden.

Visualize your possibilities

A comprehensive look at each Botox® zone

The attached image will show you the variety of areas where Botox® can be used. From the forehead to the chin. Discover how Botox® can improve your appearance.

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Warum Muskelrelaxans?

Spritze Icon


Gezielte Behandlung jeder Zone für Dein Wunschergebnis

Sprechblase icon


Sowohl ästhetische als auch medizinische Anwendungen



Schnelle und sichtbare Verbesserungen innerhalb von kurzer Zeit



Vorübergehende, geringfüge Nebenwirkungen möglich


Insights into Botox ®

Botox® is more than just a wrinkle treatment. It is a versatile solution for aesthetic refinement and medical relief that can be specifically tailored to each area of ​​your face.


Most popular zones in focus

  • Forehead wrinkles

    Smooth forehead wrinkles for an open and youthful appearance. This treatment helps to soften deep lines and tighten the skin.

  • Crow's feet

    Make your eye area appear younger and more radiant. The crow's feet treatment smoothes fine lines around the eyes.

  • frown lines

    Our frown line treatment gently smoothes the forehead for a naturally relaxed and rejuvenated appearance.

  • Brow Lift

    Our brow lift rejuvenates the upper third of the face by gently lifting the eyebrows, resulting in a more open and lively look.


Start your journey

Let's create a plan together that is tailored to your goals. Contact us for a personal consultation and learn more about the possibilities with Botox.



Am I losing the facial expressions?

No, when used correctly, Botox® maintains natural facial expressions and mobility.

Does every area require the same level of treatment?

The treatment intensity varies depending on the zone and individual needs.

Can I have several areas treated at the same time?

Yes, a custom plan can include multiple zones.

Can Botox® be used to prevent wrinkles?

Yes, Botox® can be used preventively to slow the formation of wrinkles by minimizing the muscle movements that cause lines and wrinkles over time.

Präzise Botox-Injektion ins Gesicht einer Patientin bei Glowtox Köln, illustriert die Fachkompetenz und Sorgfalt in ästhetischen Behandlungen für ein glatteres Hautbild.

What should you consider when choosing a beauty doctor?


When choosing a doctor for Botox treatments, make sure they have in-depth Botox® knowledge and experience. A reputable specialist will conduct a detailed consultation to understand your needs. Glowtox uses the latest techniques for excellent results and provides you with detailed information about the procedure and aftercare.

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